Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Posh Spice Knows About Starting a New Gig

What Posh Spice Knows About Starting a New Gig What Posh Spice Knows About Starting a New Gig Before Tuesday nights American gtzenbild premiere, I knew precisely 3 things about Victoria Beckham (aka Posh Spice)1) She used to be the in Spice Girls.2) Shes married to David Beckham.3) Shes a clueless and cold-hearted clothes hanger with no personality.I have no idea wherbeie I got that last one from because I have never paid the woman one iota of attention, but there it is, in my brain anyway. Or there it was until Tuesday night when she appeared as a guest judge on my favorite guilty pleasure TV show.And then a funny thing happened I found I kind of liked Posh. She was endearing (if so skinny that I want to force feed her sandwiches) and she was enjoyable to watch.Which got me thinking about this time last year, when Kara DioGuardia joined the Idol panel. What a difference For some reason, Kara grated on my last nerve from the first moment I saw her. I soon learned I wasnt alone one well-known Idol video blogger took to flashing a monkey banging symbols on-screen every time he spoke of her. Poor KaraSo what was the difference?To me there was one glaring difference between the way the two women integrated themselves (or didnt) into a new environment. Something we all have to do regularly during our careers.Poshs secret didnt actually gel with me until this afternoon when I was finishing up a resume for a senior executive client. My clients specialty is change management, and when she completed our information-gathering questionnaire, she talked about how she successfully led major changes without alienating old-time employees. She said I honor the existing culture before I attempt to change it.And thats when I realized the difference between the two new American Idol judges Victoria Beckham honored the existing dynamic while Kara seemed oblivious to it.I think this is so important for any of us to remember. Especially when we start a new job or freelance project , or begin working with a new client. You win people over by honoring what exists as you find your place.What does that mean specifically?I broke it down into three specific actions I observed although you may think of others.A lack of aggressionVictoria waited until it was her turn to speak and then kept her opinions relatively uncontroversial. Kara seemed to insert herself quite aggressively into situations from her very first day and actually got into a yelling match with one wanna-be pop star on one of her earliest appearances.When starting a new job or freelance project, its wise to keep ideas and opinions to yourself for a while. There is notlagehing more annoying to long-time employees than hearing your unsolicited ideas on day one, because that sounds very much like criticism. If asked for suggestions, by all means give them. But otherwise, watch, listen and observe. Some of your ideas might not seem so great after you learn more about the situation and the ones that are gr eat? Well, you can figure out a way to introduce those once you know more about the culture.Respect for the place others have in the scheme of thingsVictoria also respected the different personas each member of the panel had created and seemed relaxed and non-competitive. She didnt try to out-nasty Simon Cowell, or out-drawl Randy Jackson. By contrast, in her first appearances, Kara seemed to veer between acting like Simon or mimicking Paula.Its natural to be nervous in a new environment, but dont be so eager to impress that you find yourself usurping the roles others have held for a long time. You will find your place in good time.Humility SellsAt least when it comes to human relationships. Victoria didnt brag or make the whole thing about herself. Shes actually a very successful businesswoman and has built a strong brand quite apart from her husband. But she never mentioned any of that in criticizing the singers. By contrast Kara seems to mention her own background as a profession al songwriter at every turn.Just guessing, but I assume Kara did that because she felt nervous and wanted to make sure the other judges and the viewers respected her. But demanding respect never works. You earn respect through your actions and the results you deliver. Never boast about past successes your new co-workers dont care. They are only interested in what they see for themselves and they will respect you more for your humility.So, Posh Spice, it turns out, is not aclueless and cold-hearted clothes hanger with no personality and also, I learned something, proving to my nay-saying friends and family that American Idol isnt a complete waste of my time ??

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Best Questions a Reference Checker Can Ask

The Best Questions a Reference Checker Can AskThe Best Questions a Reference Checker Can AskThe Best Questions a Reference Checker Can AskA simple background check to ensure a candidate didnt lie on his resume or job application isnt enough. Its just the first step. The second, and more important step, is ensuring that the candidate can do what he claims to be able to do. In other words, careful job performance-based reference checking is more important than ever in the employee selection process. So what are some of the best questions to ask? Once the reference is actually on the phone, the first question to ask is, How are you acquainted with the candidate? The answer to this question will accomplish several things. First, it will confirm when, where and whether or leid the reference and the candidate have ever worked together, and what the nature of their association was. Did the reference work for the candidate or the other way around, or were they coworkers? Did they work togeth er on a daily basis or just once in a while? The answer to this critical question will allow the reference checker to determine how much weight to give the responses to subsequent questions. The next question that should be asked is, How long did you and the candidate work together? Once again, the length of the association will help establish the credibility of responses to other questions. Obviously, if the reference worked with the candidate for several years, the responses will carry more weight than if the length of their association was only a few months or less. Next, its important to ask the reference to describe the candidates day-to-day responsibilities on the job. This is the point at which the reference checker should be comparing what the candidates resume says with what the references have to say. The completeness of the answer will also reveal still more about how well the reference really knew the candidate. An evasive or vague answer may suggest, for instance, that the candidate overstated his or her claim to have worked with the reference every day for several months. A red flag should go up if the reference cant describe what the candidates job responsibilities were with some degree of thoroughness. Another of the essential questions that must be asked of every reference is, What do you think the candidate needs to really continue his or her career development and professional growth? The response to this question can provide invaluable insight into the candidates suitability for the job to be filled. Toward the end of the interview, there are other important questions that always should be asked, such as, Why did the candidate leave? and Could the candidate have stayed if he had wanted to? If the candidate is still working at the same place as the reference, the question becomes, Why is the candidate contemplating a job change? Finally, every reference should be asked, If you were hiring people, would you hire the candidate and, if so, for what type of position? While this is not intended to be an exhaustive list of questions reference checkers should ask, its a starting point that allows you to establish a references credibility.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to get back into exercising regularly after a long break

How to get back into exercising regularly after a long breakHow to get back into exercising regularly after a long breakEven the most committed fitness fans find that life sometimes gets in the way ofathletic greatness. A change in location, circumstances, or your body can all force a break inthe praxisyou worked so hard to lay out. And when you are ready,coming backto something you used to be able to do with ease can feel more emotionally daunting than the first time you tried it. Heres how to get yourself mentally and physically back in the game.1. Set reasonable expectationsExpecting yourself to instantly hit your previous level is a bad idea for your bodyandyour morale. Trying to go all-out your first session back in the gym is a recipe for injury and frustration, so avoid that temptation, advisesGreg Pignataro, a personal trainer with Grindset Fitness who specializes in strength and conditioning. When trying to get back into the swing of things, start at a level thats no more di fficult than a four or five out of 10. Starting at this manageable level will help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Slowly and consistently ramp up the challenge over your next few weeks. Do this, and youll be back at your old level of performance - or beyond it - before you know it.Pignataro should know He suffered what he calls a freak soccer injury that left him unable to play soccer or work out for six months. I coped by focusing on what I could do pain-free, which was mainly ist das neue ( mobility work, core strengthening, and glute strengthening, he remembers. I spent a few minutes performing those activities nearly every day for about seven months. This hard work eventually helped him ultimately lift more than he did before the injury, and go back to playing soccer. I fully understand peoples frustrations when lifes unexpected circumstances force them to stop working out for a while, Pignataro adds. But as Ive seen firsthand, setbacks dont mean you have to give up2. G o slowYou dont even have to do the same kind of exercise you were doing before, especially if it was high intensity. Consistently doing anything physical and/or simply going to the gym can be a fantastic restarting point, Pignataro encourages. Once youve turned physical activity back into a habit, feel free to set more challenging goals. However, cut yourself a break at the beginning by aiming to make your goal completely controllable Work out a certain number of times per week, regardless of what it is you do.For example, if you used to be a runner but got out of the habit, try walking first. You dont need to go all out, just break a sweat and maybe breathe a little hard, advisesMeghan Stevenson, a certified running coach with the Road Runners of America and founder ofYour Best Run, an encouraging coaching website. I would recommend doing 20 minutes to start. You can go outside to do this walking or run-walking - I suggest one-minute intervals of each - or you can go to the gym a nd do it on a machine. Be sure to stretch After a week or two of that, you can start to extend the time or intensity, and even start lifting weights or doing bodyweight strength exercises. Its not how fast youre going, its the fact that youaregoing.3. Remember why you used to enjoy itLets talk about the biggest off-putting thing about going back to exercise You know how much it hurts Memories of burning muscles, breathlessness, and soreness for days can be a major obstacle when it comes to forcing yourself back into the habit when you could just, well, not. Most often thats because running is hard more often than it feels good, admits Stevenson. But when running feels good, it feels REALLY good She and Pignataro point to these holdups as another excellent reason to be careful when setting yourself challenges in your new routines.One of the primary principles of training is progressive overload, Pignataro explains. This basically means that our bodies wont change unless we challenge them, but the challenge must be gradual and manageable. In other words, yes, exercise is supposed to be harder than not exercising - but its most effective when the goals youre trying to achieve are manageable enough that you wont be put off from even trying. If you go too hard too soon, youll likely drop out (or possibly re-injure yourself), whereas setting small goals will eventually lead you to something bigger. Aiming to increase the amount of weight you can successfully lift for a given exercise by five pounds a week, for instance, may not seem like much, but over the course of months to a year, it makes an enormous difference, Pignataro says.4. Knowing you can quit and come back will make you healthierA lot of athletes worry that taking a break means losing fitness theyve built up, but sometimes having to stop is inevitable. Knowing that you can pause your routine and come back to it will ultimately make you a better athlete and a healthier person. Stevenson has personal expe rience here In 2017 she had to drop out of the Big Sur marathon after a serious respiratory infection knocked her out for over two weeks of peak training. I was upset to miss the race, but more upset that I essentially had to start over from scratch, she says. My speed and fitness came back within a couple of weeks, but I definitely had to relax my expectations and allow my body to heal.Reluctance to give your body the break it sometimes needs can be a sign that you need to reassess your true motivation for working out. I think a lot of women are concerned that were going to instantly gain weight the moment we stop exercising or if we dont work out super hard, and neither of those beliefs is true, Stevenson assures us. We need to be more attentive to our bodies and the messages theyre trying to tell us. A day, a week, or even a month off isnt the end of the world. We can come back from all of that better than before, but we need to take a longer-term approach to our health. Slowly l osing weight and slowly gaining fitness over time is the most sustainable way for us to be healthy and, ultimately, to be happy.5. Keep tryingWe saved the best news for last Regaining fitness is easier than finding it in the first place ur brains code the movement patterns necessary for success in activities as we learn them and store them for future use, Pignataro explains. Its similar to how you dont need to completely relearn how to ride a bike after months or years of not going anywhere near one. Your body will remember how to do all activities it had previously been capable of performing. It may take a few sessions to shake the dust off, but its possible to return to a previous level of proficiency fairly rapidly. Its going to be slow at first, but with time, determination, and some achievable goals, youll be back on track - or even further ahead - than you were before your well-deserved break.This article was originally published on Brit + Co.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

This is why you should write a career mantra

This is why you should write a career mantraThis is why you should write a career mantraSo theres this largely forgotten film from 1999 called Bowfinger. Seen it? In the film (and fruchtwein things hes starred in, actually), Eddie Murphys character, Kit Ramsey, has loads of issues. Whenever hes spiraling towards a breakdown, Kits therapist suggests that he calm himself by repeating a personal mantra Keep it together. Keep it together. Keep it together. K-I-T.Maybe because I happen to share a first name with Eddies character, every time I hear the word mantra, I think of that scene - and a little part of me squirms. To me, a personal mantra has always sounded life coachy, cheesy, even cultish. When I imagine the sorts of people who have one, I dont think of creative, interesting women - I think of strangely ageless dudes who do a lot of joga in white linen.So let me clarify under no accounts am I about to ask you to write a personal mantra. No judgment if you want one, just maybe do it on your own time. Instead, Im suggesting you create a career mantra for yourself.It just takes three simple steps - no yoga or weird voodoo rituals necessary.Step 1 Start thinking of yourself as a brandJust like Apple and Coca-Cola, you are your own brand. (After all, thats where the term personal branding comes from). If that sounds inauthentic or salesy, consider this every time you write a cover letter or sit down for an interview, youre selling your skills, services, and personal qualities.So before writing your career mantra, youre going to need to start thinking like a marketer and of yourself as the product. While it may be easier for a graphic designer to think of herself as a one-woman company or brand, this perspective isnt limited to an elite crowd of creatives. You too can be your own brand, even if your ultimate goal is to work in finance.Step 2 Learn what a company mantra isEvery brand relies on a mantra to express their core values and guide their big-picture dec isions. Think of Federal Express Peace of mind, Apples Think different or Contentlys Be awesome. (A good rule for work and life, really.)Since weve now established you are also a brand, youll need your own mantra. But first, lets break down what a company mantra is - and what its bedrngnis. Step back from any stereotypes you might have in mind. Its not a yogi mantra or self-help slogan. And its not a mission statement. According to Guy Kawasaki, those run long (often unnecessarily so), whereas a mantra is 3-4 words long. Tops. Given that he was the guy behind the marketing for the original iMac, well take his word for it.A career mantra should sum up your core values quickly and memorably. But its not just a pithy phrase, its an actionable statement that you can always refer back to whenever youre considering a new direction.For a heavier breakdown of brand mantras, try this, this, or this. But really, its pretty simple. A mantra defines a companys values and goals in a single brea th. Your career mantra shouldnt make you think. It should make you feel.Step 3 Create your own career mantraYour turn Now that weve established that youre a brand and defined what a brand mantra is, its time for us to discuss how to actually write one for yourself, the best brand of all.1. Consider Your ValuesWhat are your biggest strengths, and what do you value you most about your work? Your organization? Your integrity? Your innovation? Use those qualities to make a list of power words that you associate with yourself and how youd like your career to evolve.2. What Problem Can You Solve?This is maybe a glaringly obvious statement, but people hire you to help them solve the problems that they cant or dont feel like fixing by themselves. So, when writing your mantra, think about how your strengths can provide a service to your employers, coworkers, and the public. Whats the big picture problem youd like to solve in your career? Consider ways to fold those answers into your mantra.3 . Make It ActionableOnce you write your mantra, cross-check it. Make sure its an actionable statement that you can use as a roadmap moving forward.When youre presented with a new opportunity, refer back to that mantra to determine whether it aligns with your core values and future goals. Does that job offer check the boxes? Or does it just mean more money? Especially if youre caught in that classic passion versus paycheck debate, your mantra can give you the confidence to walk away from a schwimmbad fit.To help you get started (and maybe just to torture them), I asked some of the CC team to write their own mantras. Heres what we came up withLauren, Founder and CEO Clarity comes from engagement.Because theres nothing more engaging than running an advice website.Kit, Director of Content and Editorial Keep it together. Psych. More like Dont sweat it.Really. My career goal is to take risks in favor of fulfilling, creative endeavors- and to not beat myself up when things go wrong.Sarah, Senior Designer Clear is the new clever.Enough said.Jacqueline, Social Media and Content Coordinator Comfort equals boredom.I am most fulfilled at work when I am learning, tackling new challenges, and pushing myself. Id rather struggle than be boredJacq, Editorial Assistant Do your best, and assume everyone else is, too.In life and in your work.This article first appeared on Career Contessa.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Update Resume on Linkedin for Dummies

Update Resume on Linkedin for Dummies Update Resume on Linkedin at a Glance Now you are aware of how to modify your resume on LinkedIn. LinkedIn offers users several ways to create an impressive profile. LinkedIn will save yourself the past three resumes you uploaded. LinkedIn isnt a work board, it is an expert networking website. Blog what you know. Facebook Although Facebook isnt the most often occurring social networking platform to use while seeking employment, its still a practical tool. The truly amazing news about LinkedIn is it allows search engines to index your profile details. Observing these instructions, you will readily print resume from LinkedIn. By the way, you can discover step-by-step instructions on How best to Add Resume to LinkedIn in our preceding article. You are there for a complete week. There are two methods to print your LinkedIn profileJoe. Including a URL to a terrible LinkedIn profile will do more damage than good. Once logged in, click Caree r Center dropdown at the peak of your screen and pick out Appointments. Click the Me link on top, then View Profile. Your email address is going to be applied as your anmeldevorgang name letting you return to our site to update your profile. This post has instructions on the best way to do that. Try to remember the message that you want to convey with your resume. Resumes are usually a little restrictive because you comply with an overall format. The Ugly Secret of Update Resume on Linkedin For a lot of first-year students, it is necessary for them to gain as much insight in their field as possible. Read through it several occasions and youll probably spot three or four essential skills stated often through the full record. You need to just select the one which you must use and then use your work application example in order to create the ideal letter for your resume. The student will have to submit their resume and writing sample in order to be thought about for an indep endent position. Nowadays you know what LinkedIn offers and what type of people typically utilize it, but that probably doesnt offer you any particular ideas for how to begin using it yourself. Fear of failure is the principal reason why more than 80% of people on earth arent ready to change their circumstances. Most people on earth dont like failure. After you get started connecting, you become visible on other peoples pages, increasing the probability of getting to the surface of a page when people want to get somebody to hire. Update Resume on Linkedin the Ultimate Convenience You are always going to get recommendations from LinkedIn about jobs you could be interested in, but you could always use the search bar to look for particular positions too. Linkedin is among the best sites to locate your next job. Linkedin permits you to conduct online searches for jobs that were posted on the website by others. Superior luck with your work search Adhere to the pages of businesses youre interested in, to keep current with what theyre doing and any job openings that may come up. In spite of the fact that most transcription companies require experience there are some that will hire with no experience. We source skilled professionals for our customers to fill their present-day labor gaps for a predetermined time period, and as desired by our customers, provide the choice of contractors to be converted to full moment. Normally, you shouldnt need to pay to get online exposure on legitimate job websites. A small fraction of students obtain internships following their very first calendar year. Many career offices provide services for alumni no matter when they graduated, and thus dont think youve been out of school too much time to utilize your career or alumni office. 1 thing you have to do is identify the jobs you would like to fill out an application for. Every time you apply to acquire an original job, check your work application to make sure its not simpl y targeted, but in addition current.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The New Angle On Ghost Writing Resume Just Released

The New Angle On Ghost Writing Resume Just Released Such services are occasionally provided by what is called essay mills and frequently transacted through internet interfaces. Whether you need assistance with a research paper, thesis or class essay we possess the writers available to assist you receive the best results possible. Our writers comprehend the importance of submitting a high-quality term paper or essay and we will assist you to receive a high grade. The ghost writers are introduced to the customer and following a thorough discussion, the customer selects a proper writer for the undertaking. Get in touch with a neighborhood community or junior college and ask if youd be permitted to come and speak about ghost writing. For example, there is a fierce degree of pride in being a ghostwriter. Only you can choose whether its suitable for you. The only knowledge youll be able to take with you is whats going to fit in the time you reach except for your fighting abilitie s. What You Need to Do About Ghost Writing Resume Beginning in the Next 4 Minutes Next year, once youre holding your completed book in your hands, youre going to be extremely pleased you did. Some writers feel that, for long-term success, you have to take leistungspunkt for each word you write and make an impressive body of work by means of your name on it. Ghostwriting is when someone is hired to compose a project thats credited to a different individual. In addition to that, as soon as youve established a ghostwriting relationship with a person, often it ends in ongoing work for you. Fully being a very good writer or author isnt great enoughyou also have to capture your customers voice and tell the story as they would. As a ghostwriter, you truly have to enter the mind of the individual youre writing going to capture their voice, personality, and conversational style before youre able to tell their story. Youre able to view the three minute book trailer there. Additional because you and Ill spend dozens of hours talking together, the last book is going to be written in your voice. The One Thing to Do for Ghost Writing Resume Busy people are constantly looking for writers. Most men and women want their writing to be consistent, therefore it is logical to adhere to the exact writer. Although my guess is that in the event that youre still reading, you currently have a really amazing idea. Yes you choose the requirement and pay-as-you-go. Our writers work round the clock to fulfill the expectations of our clients, and so the deadlines can be extremely tight even 8 hours They are experienced in a vast array of fields and you will receive a paper that is written according to the requirements of the field you are studying. You will be bringing in new readers and potentially new clients by your work with no extra marketing. Instead, learn to write or hire people who may write for you in their names. My customers span the world and are published th roughout the world. Many clients think that they can write, till they try.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Resolve Conflict on Projects

How to Resolve Conflict on ProjectsHow to Resolve Conflict on ProjectsConflict on projects is totally normal. You should expect people to disagree. Were all different, and its the differences that make our teams highly performant. The discussions that happen when people disagree can result in some incredibly creative and inspiring solutions to issues. Disputes help people unpick the real problems and dig down to the root of what is going on as they try to frame their own partal arguments. In other words, lets not start by thinking we should shy away from conflict. It can be highly beneficial in certain circumstances, but it does need to be actively managed. Disputes can destroy teams when theyre left to fester. These tips explain conflict management and how you can actively help parties who differ to reach a position of mutual understanding, even if you acknowledge that theyll never really agree. What Is Conflict Management? Lets start with some definitions. Managing conflict in the workplace is something we all do, whether were consciously aware of it. Conflict happens when two or more individuals (or groups) have different objectives, attitudes or opinions about the same thing. Conflict management is the term we give to how we deal with that. Its what we do to identify the problem, to uncover the differences, and work out how we can address whats going on. Many conflicts can be resolved with discussion, particularly if the needs and goals of the project or business are considered, but sometimes other factors are involved. Why Do We Need Conflict Management? In many workplace environments today, and on many project teams, the setup is that of a matrix structure. Thismeans that the people on the team dont directly work for you. This can be the perfect situation in many ways you manage their tasks but you dont have to deal with all the other human resources stuff like salaries, benefits, vacation time and so on. That gives you more time to focus on movin g your project along to its ultimate goal. Having said that, matrix structures are rife with conflicts of loyalty, time, priority, or team. Knowing how to unpick all unterstellung is a helpful skill. Project management is a job that causes conflict We go looking for what hasnt been done, chasing people and picking through their mistakes.We direct the work of people who report to others.We chase down answers and decisions, and this often involves escalating issues that could make others look bad to yourproject sponsor. The bottom line is that if you dont know how to resolve conflict at work,your team will suffer from more conflict than is healthy. Debates wont be moderated. Factions arise. Conflicts stop tasks from being completed when arguments arent resolved. Dealing withdifficult stakeholders becomes your day job. If you dont resolve problems, it ultimately affects your ability to deliver on your objectives. In the worst case, it can mean that your best people resign and that your team totally implodes. Many conflicts require only that you sit down and facilitate a conversation between people with different opinions. At other times, you might have to recognize when conflict is going to have a major impact on the project and act accordingly, perhaps raising the issue with your project board. Conflict Resolution in the Workplace The Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument (TKI) is a way of working out your preferred style for handling conflict in any situation, not just at work. Its often used in workplace settings. As a tool, its really useful for understanding what options are available to you when you have an issue that must be dealt with. The TKI is a questionnaire that asks how you naturally react when youre faced with a situation where the opinions or concerns of two people dont align. It helps you describe your own reaction and response when you come up against someone who doesnt share your outlook. Assertiveness and Cooperativeness The TKI look s at two different aspects of your approach to managing conflict Assertiveness How far do you take your own concerns at the expense of others?Cooperativeness How far do you go to satisfy the other persons concerns? These are two important areas of consideration. You have to understand how far youre prepared to go to protect and win your own position, and how much it matters to you to help the other person achieve what he wants. Ask your HR team if they have access to the Thomas-Kilmann assessment so you can take it. Find out your own personal style. After youve identified your style, you can think about the next part of the TKI the five different modes for responding to conflict CompetingAccommodatingAvoidingCollaboratingCompromising The Competing Conflict Mode The competing mode is sometimes also called forcing. Its a very assertive style which is also uncooperative. Its exactly what you would expect You impose your opinion on the other person. He loses. Competing is really onl y something you can do when you have some kind of legitimate power in the situation Youre in a management role and are more senior than the other person.You control something in the situation, such as the budget or resource.You have expert knowledge of the situation that the other person doesnt share. Consider health and safety issues where you have to force the wearing of safety equipment even if someone on the team doesnt want to comply. Conflict entschlieung techniques in this mode would involve Telling someone else what to do.Issuing a mandate or directive. Rather than resolving the conflict, youve squashed it and enabled the project to move forward. You have a decision, but youve probably lost some friends by doing it. Use it with caution or when the situation really requires it for legal or safety reasons. Never descend into bullying at work. The Accommodating Conflict Mode Accommodating is the opposite of competing. Its unassertive and cooperative in that your interests a re overlooked and you abide by the will of the other person. You shouldnt always see this as losing or being self-sacrificing. Sometimes arguments arent worth your time or interest. Watch out if you use this too often, however, because might see you as too soft if you capitulate too frequently. The Avoiding Conflict Mode This is where you dont engage in conflict at all. Its unassertive because you arent taking part in the discussion, and its uncooperative because youre not helping the other person either. In fact, youre doing nothing. This might sound terrible, but it can actually be effective when used in moderation and under the right circumstances. You havent actually managed the problem, just the initial manifestation of the conflict. You must still find time to address the issues. Theres a risk that the problem will get bigger and bigger if you wait too long. Imagine that two colleagues are arguing loudly and its disturbing the work of other people in the office. You interv ene and tell them that youll help them come to a entscheidung when theyve both calmed down. You offer one of them the chance to cool off in your office until that time. Conflict resolution techniques in this mode Postponethe discussion until a better time or situation.Move away from a threatening situation. The Collaborating Conflict Mode Collaborating is an assertive way of resolving problems and its highly cooperative. You dont avoid the conflict - you dive straight in, working together to unpick the issues and to get to a point where both your requirements are met. Approaching the situation in a really pragmatic way can help build trust with your team. Lets say that absatzwirtschaft wants the product to launch in March. IT wants a new starter to join the team before they begin work on the product launch. They go over the Gantt charttogether and use scheduling techniques to ensure that the new starter can fully be part of the team and still get the product launched on time. C onflict resolution techniques in this mode include discussion and mediation. The Compromising Conflict Mode Compromising is moderately assertive and moderately cooperative. Its a halfway position thats commonly used, and of course, youve compromised on situations in the past. You dont get exactly what you want, and neither does the other person. Instead, you come to an amicable solution that you can both agree on. The team says that the Agile sprint should be two weeks long. You want it to be four weeks. You compromise and agree that sprints will be three weeks. Conflict resolution techniques in this mode include DiscussionNegotiatingExchanging concessions - you both give something up Whats Your Conflict Resolution Style? The great thing about understanding where you sit on the TKI is that you understand your preference for resolving conflict in the workplace - and in other places, too. This gives you a head start in identifying what might be the best approach to use for t he particular situation you find yourself in. You have a personal preference, but youre not stuck responding the same way in all situations. Walking away might be the most appropriate course of action in some cases, so youll choose to avoid it. In others, a compromise might be the fastest way to an acceptable path around the impasse. You might choose to use other techniques at other times. The most important thing to remember is that workplace conflict is going to happen, so having a few techniques to draw on gives you options when youre faced with a difficult situation. Knowing your options gives you confidence and that can help you sort out disputes so everyone can get back to work.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Special Journal Issue to Explore Uncertainty Management in Com...

Special Journal Issue to Explore Uncertainty Management in Com... Special Journal Issue to Explore Uncertainty Management in Com... Special Journal Issue to Explore Uncertainty Management in Complex Multiphysics Structural DynamicsManuscripts are now being accepted for a special issue of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B Mechanical Engineering, that will focus on uncertainty management in complex multiphysics structural dynamics. The deadline for authors to submit a paper for the special issue, which is scheduled to be published before the end of the year, is April 30, 2019.Non-deterministic modeling approaches, which enable the characterization, propagation and quantification of uncertainties in both operational experiments and numerical analyses, have helped advance computer-aided engineerings accuracy and robustness in structural dynamics applications. However, challenges have developed in aerospace, automobile and other mechanical indust ries where large-scale and multiphysics systems such as vibroacoustics, thermoelastics and fluid-solid coupled systems are designed and employed with very large design spaces, disparate parameter sensitivities, multifarious sources of uncertainties and high calculation burden. Further development of current techniques for uncertainty management is clearly necessary in order to ensure the reliability of computational simulations in complex structural dynamics and multiphysics coupling mechanics.This special issue of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B Mechanical Engineering, is intended to provide a setting for leading experts, researchers, academics and practicing engineers working in the interdisciplinary area of uncertainty analysis and non-deterministic modelling to present the latest developments in the field.Topics to be covered in the special issue will include verification and validation (VV) of numerical models for mechanical system s uncertainty characterization, propagation and quantification techniques modeling of coupling mechanisms between multiple media nonsymmetrical experimental modal analysis of coupling systems decoupling of vibroacoustics, thermoelasticity and fluid-solid coupling stochastic finite element analysis of complex mechanical systems stochastic model calibration and validation Bayesian model calibration and advanced Monte Carlo simulation sensitivity analysis of uncertain parameters robust model calibration and interval and fuzzy model calibration techniques.The guest editors of this special issue of the journal are Sifeng Bi, Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), Michael Beer, Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), University of Liverpool (UK), Tongji University (China), Morvan Ouisse, FEMTO-ST Institute (France), and Scott Cogan, FEMTO-ST Institute (France), should prepare the ir manuscripts following the ASME guidelines for journal publication at https// When submitting your paper through the ASME Journals Connect site, please select special issue SI032B, and then assign the paper type as Research Paper. Please alert the guest editors prior to the formal submission of your manuscript. Early submission is strongly encouraged to promote early peer-review and publication of the special issue.For more information on the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B Mechanical Engineering, visit http// To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit https//

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Richard Branson on flex policies, what Virgin looks for in an employee, and lessons learned

Richard Branson on flex policies, what Virgin looks for in an employee, and lessons learnedRichard Branson on flex policies, what Virgin looks for in an employee, and lessons learnedEntrepreneur Richard Branson gave a keynote presentationthis week at the Adobe Summit, a digital marketing conference, in which he made a serious case for why Americans need more vacation time, what makes an ideal Virgin employee and other career advice.The self-made billionaire mogul and founder of investment and marketing company Virgin Group reportedly has stakes in more than 400 companies in 34 countries across a variety of industries. Here are a few takeaways from his address.On Virgins flexible policiesYou know, we also have some things which I think, that we do at Virgin which most companies dont do, and which I would really recommend they did. So, well give people unlimited paid leave. So somebody wants to go off for a month and travel the world, they can do it. They dont have to ask permission, B ranson said.But theyll work that much harder when they get back, and the company has not suffered from introducing this. If somebody wants to work from home, they can. If somebody wants to work from home on Fridays and Mondays, they can - and actually, they get more work done without having all the time of commuting to and from the office by doing that, he added. So, I think treating people with flexibility, treating people as humans, treating people as youd treat yur own children, comes back to the company many times over.On advice he recently gave to someoneBranson mentions that a few nights before the presentation, he met a father at the bar who was trying to figure out what to do in life. The mogul asked him if he had kids. He said he had two, is married, and part of a very happy family. Branson said he could sense that the man was considering leaving his job and that the man probably thought he would recommend that he go the entrepreneurial route.While Branson said that if the man has a concept that would improve the lives of others, he should pursue it, but he continued, What I actually said to him was Do you enjoy the people you work with at work? And he said yes, he really loved those people. Do you enjoy your work? Yes. But, what I did say to him was Go to your company anfhrer and try and get them to change some of the policies to give you a bit more flexibility so you dont feel restricted to two or three weeks, holidays a year, which I think this American, really-short holiday system is cruel.Branson added Its not a good way of fathers spending time with their children, mothers spending time with their children, and its not good for the business. You know, just because somebodys sitting at the desk all day long does not mean theyre working all day long. People can work in three or four days and most likely can get all their work done. So, more flexibility - they will be much more treu ergeben and they wont be necessarily asking the question, shou ld I leave this company and go do something else? On what Virgin looks forThe most important attribute to a person, whether theyre running other people, or whether theyre being run by other people is to be wonderful at basic things like kindness. Basic things like looking for the best in other people. Basic things like listening all the time, not just hearing yourself speak, Branson said.So, if you are in a position of power in a company, and somebody says, You know, theres a problem at home or something, immediately tell them, Take a couple of weeks off, you know, go sort it out and get your priorities and life right. So, thats the kind of people we look for, he added.On the importance of attention to detail and listeningAfter mentioning the ways Virgin changed the airline industry, Branson explained what he does to continue moving forward.When making experiences, attention to detail matters. To this day, I keep a notebook in my pocket whenever I board a flight. I get out and I li sten to passengers, I listen to cabin staff, and I write unterstellung thoughts and experiences down, and then action them the next day because these thoughts and experiences are invaluable, and they help us keep air travel fun, friendly and entertaining, Branson said.Frequently taking note of these seemingly little things has become one of the keys to our success. As expectations change, experiences must evolve too. So, as a leader, or really, whatever you were doing in life, always be a good listener, he advised. Always strive to create a different and better experience than anyone else. Never rest on your laurels.We try to live on these principles in every single business we run in our airlines, in our hotels, in our trains, in our gyms, and so on.On what you can learn from lifes experiencesWhat holds true in business and advocacy, has also been true in my personal life. And I think the most important lessons Ive learned that havent come from the books Ive read, that havent come from the formulas Ive memorized, that havent come what I call No. They have come from what I call the school of life. And the school of life is definitely the best experience there is, Branson said.